'Ignore Contact' Option.
18/07/17 - Ref A1441
Now you have an ‘Ignore Contact’ tick box in the contacts page to allow you to make a contact, customer or client, unavailable for selection in relation to jobs or quotes. They will no longer be available for selection in the ‘picking contact’ search screen. Open Job Tracker Professional. Click on ’Customers’ located on the left of the screen. Click on the ‘Search Contact ’ button at the bottom of the page.
Within the search field enter the name of the contact, customer or client, you would like to make unavailable for selection in relation to jobs or quotes.
Click on the contact, customer or client in the results to highlight them then click the ‘load contact' button at the bottom on the screen.
Tick the ‘Ignore Contact’ box in the top right of the screen.
Then click the ‘save contact' button in the bottom left of the screen.
The Contact, Customer or Client will now be unavaliable for selection in the ’picking contact’ search screen, and therefore cannot be assigned to new jobs or quotes.