Assign Engineers Screen - Version 4
20/06/17 - Ref A1417
With the new enhanced assign engineer feature, when assigning engineers, you can see from a glance all relevant details such as – Comments regarding their service and costs, their skills & qualifications and now you can assign and view a star rating which is both visual and informative. You can select subcontractors or engineers that are based in the area of the work or alternatively select those that cover a specific geographical area.
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In order to add Comments, Ratings, Covered areas and Skills & Qualifications to your Engineers/Staff/Sub Contractors,open Job Tracker Professional and click on ‘Staff Members’ displayed at the top left of the home screen.
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Click the ‘Save’ button displayed in the bottom left of the screen to save all changes that were made.
The new version 4 assign engineer screen will be displayed when you click the ‘Assign’ button located under the ‘Assigned staff’ section in the middle of the ‘Jobs’ screen or ‘Quotes / Estimates’ screen. Within this new assign engineer screen, you can apply various filters to help you find the relevant resources. If you simply click search, the list will display all engineers/subcontractors that you have detailed in your Staff Members/Engineers section. Once you have selected the engineer you would like to assign, click on the ‘Assign Selected Personnel’ button located in the top middle of the page. There are 2 ways in which you can search for an engineer by Post Code.
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Once you have selected the engineer you would like to assign, click on the ‘Assign Selected Personnel’ button located in the top middle of the page.